Monday, December 24, 2012

you will not belive

this mean girl cursed and swore at me. she said i was crap and that i was stupid. just because i didnt give her what she wanted. what a stuck up little cockroach. i wish i could splat her all over her own coky roachy facy. her name iz: junejacia
shes so rude. fantage is for fun and games, no swearing. she should be banned. forEVER.

bb cc, for higher price.

update! who will sell their bb or cc for 1,000,000 stars? yup. i have all that. i will give it to the first person to email me. if u r giving bb, say a 'fun trade' as title. if its cc 'say cool hair sell'
i am looking for also,
autum leaf hair
chalk board
winter green hair
pink streak
ice queen costume
windy hair
archer hair (blonde one)
bow and arrow
animated fantage blonde (rare)
pretty blue schoolgirl costume

thanks. i really want it. BTW PLEASE COMMENT!! I HAVE NEVER HAD COMMENTERS. ITS HORRIBLE. PLEASE. keep in mind, if u don't wanna be public, just email.

sorry guys, no more cc needed. i got  it for a shop item. the girl hit accept and then the power went out so then i didn't complete the trade. windy hair for cc. still would be good. but shop item? better.

xxsherryxx, ararara, ptran, yara_yara, dragon_iron

these are all players i met. if you wanna see pics, wait till january 8th. when i will post them.

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