Sunday, January 20, 2013

im online

i am online now, ll sigh ll
yellow yeti
im wearing an orange jacket, bb hair and the non member rainbow board.
please meet me, i am in trade n sell

the saddest day of my life.

i am never getting autum leaf! :*(
i will probably never get it. ll cries ll
none of you comment and ever will.
nashmiah is still out to get me.
my dog is not with me anymore.
my parents are getting a divorce today.
ll cries ll
i doubt anybody will read this ever.
so none of you care at all.
i thought this would be very fun to make a little blog and help viewers with their fantage accounts,
but instead, it has been a bucketload of stress and horror. and i haven't connected with any fans, i don't think
i have any so, not that much of a loss, but i thought you would comment once! at least. :*(
nobody but me has commented at all, and it's been here since march last year! :*(
well, there is a chance, i will quit fantage and this blog. :*(

please don't let me bring you down,

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