Monday, January 7, 2013

i want to give my viewers, a small token

of my generousness, i'm giving you all, some accounts. they may work, cause i get them off of password sites.

snowflake5  works

njoud89 passsword is 1234567 works
don't know why this box is here, not gonna delete though.

   these might work!
oki now this account, is special to a kid whose brother died. it was
his bros account. don't ban it or take stuff. or he will get you.


wonder how a pet wil help?

in the fashion show they help you out!
they come with items! if you don't like em, well, try getting puffy!

every single time

when ever i try to get bb hair something always goes wrong!
i  lose cc, they need to eat lunch, dinky things like that. rawr!
so yeah. okay guys! you got it! i always try, but i always fail!
it is so unfair!!!! this is where you comment. so impossible!
hard hard hard! if you understand, go to my youtube video aout it, and
comment. honest youtube comment.

contest central

last call for selling basketball hair! 2 million stars! ok, email me or comment.

okay, well here's the deal,
i have had 0 comments and i want some, if you just make a blogger account and comment, trust me, you get a blog AND prizes.  i really really want this page to get views, so please view it and all that,
BTW, you have to comment on a certain page to get the prize. find it and do your thing! oh and i won't go easy on you,  it won't just be right there like the title being: HERE IS WHERE YOU COMMENT! nope! i will have it hidden inside a page. read the whole thing, it may be in a unrelated page!
prizes? wow. you are all being so ignorant! i will in fact
tell you what they are, but you will not recive it if you aren't #1 commenter. the comment must say
"i am commenting for the contesta number uno contest, my user name is ________ and i would like to qualify for my prize." or you can say " i just wanna try this, ____ is my user and i wanna win."
or anything else.


all thats new with contest!

1. okay, its been a while, missed blogging since the 30th.
what can i say! iv'e been traveling.
2. the new ittems in shops and in the special items came.
spy  girl and spy guy, pink hair and a cute plaid outfit.
3. i need cc again. not really new.
4. there is gonna be a winter ball soon! awesome awesome awesome! i learned
the easy way. watching fantage news videos.
5. i need to learn how to say awesome 50x in a row on fantage. how is it done?
6. fantageville is my favorite blog ever.
7. made a wordpress version, no biggie. well i think this is easiar.
so i'll be staying here, but i will leave it up if u wanna check it out.
8. i've had a really tough week so please read my blog.
9. i'm itching for views. and comments! if you comment i'll give the first comment ever,
a item!
10. i have youtube, its Kasee Murphy. thats my youtube. i am not actully named kasee murphy so dont think that.
11. i am gonna totally stop numbering now.
i kinda am running out of room so, i have a co ntest, ill just make a new post.

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