Rule 2. Be respectful to the other contestants.Rule 3. Stealing of any videos is an automatic disqualification. Rule 4. You have to post a link in the comments on this sign up to your video! so i can review them.Final Rule. You are not allowed to team up with famous Youtubers to help you with your videos!PS. You are aloud to say bad words in the music video if there is any!!! But we do not advise you using bad words.
Youtube Channel:
Song Name:
(You don't need to put Email if you don't feel comfortable) Email:
Only reason i say Email its because i want to keep the winners name confidential Email does not matter You don't to put that on application. That's all hope you guys enjoy the contest.
(I will decide a prize when the winner is announced)
Here are some videos to get you starter : Hope these help :)
Ok here is what the application will be.