Crazy Day: a meme/poem

 The day started out with twins in every way.
with questions unanswered,

 And alien wizard cats.
Crazy talk, twins walk that walk,
 Confusion here Lance over there

people with a-maz-ing hair,
Kitten flair, flash everywhere

 Blinking sisters, Crazy hipsters

 Silly eyes, visible guys 

 Freaking out, in the house nothing questionable a-bout,

 Ce-leb-ri-ties and silly missy's, a decepive scammer,

 Dogs named MC HAMMER,

Crazy looks, off the hook,

 See the flair ev-rey-where, made-up names,  insane games,

 In a party going off the chain, ghosts of those who were once slain, 
 Aliens co-mo-tion waving miss time to diss, 

 Meanwhile at the castle.................................................................................................................

 Accusations, proclamations,
 Getting news in memorization,
being craz-ee ccy lay-dee time to go see you lat-er!

Say goodbye but do not cry because you were here to see it all and that itself was quite a call so take the time to listen to the fact that who you are is you! and that in itself is:

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