Valentines Day
Happy Valentines Day!
Chocolate Costumes
The chocolate fountain will let you become a delicious looking treat! The costumes are as following: (boy)
Apple Slices
Chocolate Bar
Ice Cream
Ice Cream Bowl
Ice Cream Bowl
Graham Cracker
(thanks keysha315!!!)
Apple Slices
(thanks itsy98! <3333)
Ice Cream (THANKS ITSY! :D)
In an article Fantageville said that you had to leave and return to the Carnival to change your special treat costumes, but it has been proved wrong. All you must do is simply walk back through the fountain to change it for another, which is chosen randomly, or remove it by clicking your inventory.
Limited and Ticket Items
Girl items:
Boy items:
The items are way more pricey than the Christmas gifts which were only 50 stars!
The items are
The items can be used by non members and members alike.
2 are inside items and the other 2 are outside items.
Games and video
This is not the official event movie. The original may be found on YouTube.
The games are not very original. I didn't play them very much at all.
Only for you guys!
I only got 70 XP
Fantage has done alot of hard games making it pretty difficult to earn tickets for the 6,000T medal. Although I presume it levels you up 20 levels when you earn it, so it may be worth it.
:) yeah, used my card for you guys! <333333
Fantage fashion show updates
The last thing on this post I covered was V-day. But you know that it was a little difficult so this even I am not going to do the same format ToT yeah.
Ever wanted to look like a mega wannabe? Well Fantage can help! Just simply pay $5.99 a month and come with your digital character to the V.I.P room and try on the following!
Now you can pretend you're
a catty wannabe and act like one too!
Pay today!
Non-members and newbies can come to the lobby of Fashion Show Inc. to get 18 specialty items to help with Fashion Show.
Members However, get cuter items in the V.I.P room. However, they only get 10 items. (10 < 18)
Fantage has appointed a new NPC named Zoe who is like a fashion counselor in a way, hey I know! We can send Pinkstardust here. She is not too in on the new looks is she? Wannabe Supreme, PSD.
Fantage apparently is trying to confuse us. For the first 10 days of the room, I was struggling to escape with the little hall pictured on the right. >>>
Bodygaurds are easy to get and you get them simply by getting a higher score then other users with your same ammount of items or possibly more items* than you have,
(*confimation needed)
Cosmic Crests
Here are some examples:
This wraps up the 50 mile long post XD
Hey, you know, maybe it's longer then Huroa's post last year or maybe 2 years ago... O_O
It's on the 6th of March, which is the day I created it, not the day I first posted. :)
For the anniversary, I will return the blog to it's mint condition, and title, but the link will stay the same. ;) I will also change my Fantage Character to look like I used to when I first joined! :D
I'm also having a party titled, 2012 Returns! <3