Friday, March 21, 2014

Chat Update 2

"Why is my text red?!" 

This is one of the many quotes I have seen in downtown related to the new chat update. Don't know about it? Not surprising. I didn't either until our old friend, Itsy98 pointed it out to me! She noticed it around the time Hair Dye came out. 

It is a red chat shaped info sign in Downtown/Uptown. It can simply get mistaken for nothing- just the old update sign. But no, it is the new one.

What this means for YOU: 

Whether you're a member, or not, this will affect you. Remember, shoeS, helo, and fun? These were called Tester Words, to see if your text was visible to others! They are no longer needed. Your text will turn red if others can't see it. 

Many people don't get that, and keep saying it. It's pretty hilarious! :)



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