Friday, March 21, 2014

Hair Dye!

Hello fantagians! It's april... and this is.....

So Fantage has released Hair Dye. This is a feature for premium members. I'm pretty sure this is pure genius in pixels! We can dye our hair! It isn't permanent though. You have until you log out, but I found a problem that when I click my inventory, the hair switches back to its original color. O OI It's a real damper on the situation. 

Here's how it works!

  1. Click your inventory
  2. Go into hairstyles, it won't appear if you were, say in Boards.
  3. You should see a large purple button that says 'Dye Hair' even if you're a non!

  1. It uses the hair you're wearing at that time, and lets you control the color of your item! 

It's awesome in my opinion. Now we won't all look like wishy washy clones. Not saying we are, saying we LOOKED like the a fore-mentioned wishy washy clones.



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